How to care for Aloe Vera?
As the title suggests, in this post I'll be giving you a few tips and tricks on how we can take care of our Aloe plants and help them grow into beautiful succulents in the future. A lot of us already have a basic idea of the various healing and soothing properties of aloe vera. Hence, I'll not be going into that in this post, but do let me know if you'd like me to blog about the properties of aloe vera in the future. I had previously written a blog regarding the extraction of aloe gel from the plant in my post. If you haven't checked it out yet, I'll link it down below. Hope you'll enjoy reading it. Click here to know how Aloe Gel is extracted Anyways, let's get back to caring for our Aloe plants! I'll be sharing my top 5 tips which keep my succulents looking healthy and vibrant! Firstly, make sure that the pot in which you are planting your aloe vera plant contains a drainage hole because proper water drainage is the key to growing this plant succes...