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Welcome Back!!!

Hi Guys!😇  I'm finally back after a really long break😌  My blog has already completed it's 1st birthday (Yeayyy) but I was so caught up with things like college, assignments, exams, extra courses (for extra credits) and a ton of stuff. 😁 I'm actually just done with my 1st year of college (soo happy) and since I'm making a comeback, I thought why not start with something I love (Blogging)👩‍💻 I have a small surprise for you all that I'll be talking about in my next blog post that'll be out before the 15th of August🤩 Nonetheless, I would love to thank you all for your constant support, love and encouragement.  Even when I hadn't posted in a while, the monthly views were still amazing🤗  Also, I've hit 500+ followers on Instagram in my blog's account and I'm so grateful for it🙏💖 Have an amazing day ahead💕 Love  ~Mel

Books you must read in 2021!

 Hi Everyone! I hope you all are doing well and are enjoying your holidays...      I wanted to write this blog for a long time but I couldn't stop adding books to this list as new books kept coming in from some of my favourite authors...      Today, I'll be sharing a few books you must read in this new year for a new start. I will also be sharing the links to all the books so you can buy them directly. Also, if you click on the links I share, I will be getting a tiny amount of profit from the site and you don't have to pay anything extra at all. So, please do click on the given links... Without wasting much time, let's get going! 😇 The Alchemist (my top choice) by Paulo Coelho              Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life (my favourite book)             Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty           The Fault in Our Starts by John Green   ...

Why gardening is one activity you need to pick up in 2021?

Greetings People! A very Happy New Year to you all!!! As we are stepping into 2021 many of you may have had a beautiful 2020 and some of you may have not but don't worry, as today I am going to tell you a small little secret, and that is 'gardening is one of the healthiest hobbies that you can develop at any point of time'.  So, keep reading on to learn about the various benefits of gardening, for you and also to find an answer as to why gardening is one activity you need to pick up in 2021. Without wasting much time let's dive right into the 3 reasons: 1. Gardening is a mood booster.      We all know how gloomy and uncertain 2020 was. We were scared of going out, of contracting the virus, and a lot more things. In short, our moods went on a roller coaster ride last year.        So, to get rid of all the bad moods and to grow into a better person you can take up gardening. Many studies have also found that gardening and spending time with nature ...

Winter Care Tips for your House Plants

 As winter is approaching, our house plants are experiencing a lot of climate change and during these times we have to take extra care of them. Here, I'll be sharing 3 easy and very simple tips with you all on how you can take care and save them from the freezing cold. 1. Reduce Watering Frequency           The most important thing to avoid during winters is over watering of plants. As the sun isn't very strong at this time, we have to allow the soil to dry in between each watering session. Also check the soil moisture by the finger test method before the next watering session. 2.  Use Humidifiers or Water Filled Bowls      As we all have an idea, that our house plants love to have 40% to 50% humidity and during winters this percentage of humidity reduces by 10% to 20% due to the excessive usage of indoor heaters. To avoid this and maintain a constant humidity you can use a humidifier or a bowl filled with water so that the plants d...

How to...

 How to

How to Stay Positive when things aren't going your way?

      As  we all go through a lot in life and during these times especially, things may or may not be going great for you. Nonetheless today I'm going to share my few tips to help you stay positive and productive in life as much as possible. I do sometimes get asked this question and that is how do I keep myself happy or how can I always have a smile on my face no matter what is going on and the simplest answer I can give is to look at the bright side of a specific situation. However, today I'll be sharing a few common yet sometimes unnoticed things that we can incorporate in our daily life that can help us stay positive and keep us going when times are tough and it seems impossible to do so. Focus on what is going right. I know it seems easier said than done but honestly, no matter how bad things are going on in your life there is always a bit of hope and positivity hidden amidst all the gloominess. However, if we start practicing positivity and gratitude ev...

How to Simplify your life?

 Whenever we think about simplifying our life, the first thing that comes to our mind is that simplification is a massive and very time-consuming process. The world is fast-moving and very complicated and hence taking a step back and trying out something new is a really big task right. As you know we all have a billion things going on simultaneously, even now you must have a lot of things to do. Sometimes it's easier, more than ever, to feel overwhelmed and feel like stress is taking over us. I can understand how you feel with all things lined up, deadlines to be met and the list goes on and on. Life is so taxing as there is always so much to do in very little time. I have personally changed my life to an extent that now I am much happier, more productive, and above all, I truly feel like I am living the life I deserve and desire at the moment. Keeping my experience aside, I'll be sharing the top 5 life hacks that I use to live a more simplistic life. This post may get a little...

How to care for Aloe Vera?

  As the title suggests, in this post I'll be giving you a few tips and tricks on how we can take care of our Aloe plants and help them grow into beautiful succulents in the future. A lot of us already have a basic idea of the various healing and soothing properties of aloe vera. Hence, I'll not be going into that in this post, but do let me know if you'd like me to blog about the properties of aloe vera in the future. I had previously written a blog regarding the extraction of aloe gel from the plant in my post. If you haven't checked it out yet, I'll link it down below.  Hope you'll enjoy reading it. Click here to know how Aloe Gel is extracted Anyways, let's get back to caring for our Aloe plants!  I'll be sharing my top 5 tips which keep my succulents looking healthy and vibrant! Firstly, make sure that the pot in which you are planting your aloe vera plant contains a drainage hole because proper water drainage is the key to growing this plant succes...

How to decorate a small space?

Follow my blog with Bloglovin   As you know that many people face a common problem of not having enough space . It is always too much stuff and too little space. I sometimes face this same problem too.  As you know, a problem always comes with a solution so, I'll be sharing a few ideas that you could incorporate into your space to make it look beautiful and mesmerizing.  One of the easiest ways to fix the problem of not having enough space is by simply tricking your eye into believing that you have more space than you normally do. But some physical changes in your room are also necessary to make a difference right.  Here, I'll be sharing five very easy ways that I also incorporate in my space to make it feel larger and that too without the need of an interior designer. Color of the room: "COLOR" the very basic thing yet the most important. Colors such as white, gray, beige, and other lighter shades on the color chart will make your space appear airier and spacious...